Abide in His love: Heather Andersen


How do you Abide in His love?

As a child and all of my life I have been blessed to have a knowledge of the truthfulness of the gospel, the truth that God is our father and that Christ is real and my personal Savior. I am sensitive to the spirit and all that surrounds me. Through this and making my own human mistakes I came to know the blessings of obedience. I came to understand how different life is, my happiness, peace, and relationship with my heavenly parents and the Savior when I chose obedience. I decided early on in life that I desired the blessings that came with that obedience. What I desired most was a closeness with the Savior, to not just know him but to be in that space of abiding and residing in his love. To me it’s a connectedness and closeness. This became my goal.
It takes our desire, choice and effort to abide and live in his love. Obedience is a key to the door that lets us in. What a great, precious, gift we can receive. Christ loves us all unconditionally. That, however, is different to me than living life yolked to the Savior and in his love. Life and its difficulties or persuasive worldly trends can pull us away. Trials, difficulties and tests will come our way.
Assessing life, where my mind is, where my actions are, where my faith, hope, and belief are is a regular practice needed for me to go back to the place where I can abide and live in that space of his love continually. I'm so grateful for his patience with me and all that he freely offers.

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