Abide in His love: Sharae Clifford


How do you Abide in His love?

I feel my Savior’s love in the simple things of life. Currently, I am at a time with children in lots of stages of life. It can all feel overwhelming with everyone having specific needs to be attended to and often I forget my Savior is indeed at my side.
Upon further reflection though I see Him everywhere: In the phone call from a friend, my husband’s arm around me telling me I am a good Mother, a relief society sister sharing her testimony, a musical number in sacrament meeting, grandparents who pick up the balls I am dropping, young men leaders who reach out to my children, friends who drop in and help, and countless other examples.
He is by my side; on my right hand and on my left. The heavens are open. I believe He is aware of me and my family and fills those needs without fail. I love Him, and I feel His Love all around me.

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