Abide in His love: Julie Easthope


How do you Abide in His love?

I was raised in a home where we were taught the gospel by our parents. My dad often had callings that would take him away on Sunday’s so my mom was responsible to make sure six kids were ready for church and there each week.
Now I have young kids of my own. Even with the help of my husband, getting to and through church meetings requires a lot of effort. It often causes me to think of my mom’s example and how she never let her circumstances be a justification not to attend church.
As covenant members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are asked to be obedient to commandments. When I attend church meetings with my family there are difficult moments. There are also moments where I can see in the faces of my young children that they are learning about and experiencing the love of the Lord. Sometimes these moments occur as we are walking the hall and pointing out the artwork, sometimes it is during the sacrament or hymns, and sometimes it is when we are reverently listening in our perspective classes.
I am convinced that when we make an effort to keep the commandments, we are blessed to feel the love of the Lord.

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