Abide in His love: Becky Packard


How do you Abide in His love?

The thing that has helped me most in gaining a greater understanding of God's love is the experience of being a mother. I love my children with a depth that is difficult to convey in words. I want them to have joy, peace and abundance. I want them to develop their gifts and reach their potential. I understand the necessity of them working through difficult things in order to develop the resilience and strength that will benefit them throughout their lives. If I as an imperfect parent feel these things for my children, then I can only imagine how our perfect Heavenly Parents feel all these things and more with complete selflessness and pure charity.
A few years ago while going through a very difficult trial, the words of Romans 8:28 kept running through my mind: "all things work together for good to them that love God..." Despite not understanding why my family had to experience the loss that we had, I was comforted by the assurance that God was in control of the situation and knew perfectly what was best. What I can control is the effort I put forth to keep my covenants and obey the commandments. I am so grateful to know that Heavenly Father has a plan for me and each of those I love, and has provided a Savior who makes it possible for us to have eternal life.

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