Abide in His love: Ann Flint


How do you Abide in His love?

As I pondered how I Abide in His love I had a few thoughts come into my mind. I have always loved listening to General Conference talks when walking, or when getting ready for the day. I also have found His love and also Spirit I feel in reading the Book of Mormon and prayer.
A direct way in which I can feel our Savior’s love is by looking into His eyes in pictures of Him. I try to feel His love in return as I focus solely on Him, with no distractions at that moment. I love thinking of Him as I serve in the temple and listen to the beautiful words in the different ordinances. As well as during the sacrament.
He is as near as we choose to make Him our focus. It is my responsibility to ask for His help and guidance in my life. It is so easy to be distracted in our daily lives. I am so very grateful for the gospel and the knowledge it provides us.

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