
Invitations from a Prophet: Social Media Series

The Stake Relief Society is starting a new social media series called Invitations from a Prophet. Sisters from around the Stake will share how they are responding to President Russell M. Nelson’s invitations from the April 2022 General Conference as laid out in the May 2022 Liahona. Sisters were asked to pick one of the following invitations to respond to.

1. Share the Power and Peace of Jesus Christ

President Nelson reminded members of our “sacred responsibility to share the power and peace of Jesus Christ with all who will listen.” In these challenging times, “every person deserves to know where they can find the hope and peace that ‘[pass] all understanding’ [Philippians 4:7].”

2. Build Positive Spiritual Momentum

President Nelson taught, “We have never needed positive spiritual momentum more than we do now, to counteract the speed with which evil and the darker signs of the times are intensifying.”

3. Choose How You Will Spend Your Time

President Nelson explained that there are some things outside of our control. “But there are some things we can control,” he said, “including how we spend our time.”

  • Read President Nelson’s invitation to spend time focusing on the blessings of the temple in “Now Is the Time”.

We are looking forward to hearing from so many of our wonderful sisters and learning more of your special spiritual experiences. By sharing your experiences you touch the hearts of many and strengthen the bond we share as sisters in Zion. We are deeply grateful for each dear sister in our stake and thank all those willing to share their sacred thoughts and feelings. If you would like to participate, please email

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