
"Ours in a Ministry of Healing"

There have been many times that I have needed the healing power of our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that power helped me through the death of my wonderful parents. But for the last few weeks, I have struggled with hurt feelings and anger. I have two children that have left the church. I love them so much and I want so badly to be an example to them. I will never give up trying to be a voice in their life that reminds them that they are loved, the church is true, please come back. Recently though, an Aunt told my son he wasn’t loved and he was an embarrassment to his family. These words burned in my mind and heart, fueling an anger that took over. I have wanted to confront her, making sure she was aware of my anger and the hurt she caused. But as I have contemplated the theme “Come as you are to the Savior and partake of His healing power,” I have realized that is what I need to do instead. I pray I can, I want to be an example of kindness and forgiveness, not anger and bitterness. I have a testimony that through our Savior, all things are possible. President Gordon B Hinckley said “As members of the Church of Jesus Christ, ours is a ministry of healing, with a duty to bind the wounds and ease the pain of those who suffer. Upon a world afflicted with greed and contention, upon a families distress by argument and selfishness, upon individuals burdened with sin and troubles and sorrows, I invoke the healing power of Christ, giving my witness to its efficacy and wonder. I testify of Him who is the great source of healing. He is a Son of God, the Redeemer of the world, the ‘Son of Righteousness,’ who came with ‘healing in His wings’.” I add my testimony to President Hinckley’s and I am grateful to be reminded of the Saviors healing power through this theme, and what it can do for all of us. 

 ~Janene Dahl

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