
Our God is a God of Miracles!

"In these turbulent times, I cleave (with all the energy of my being) to the knowledge that my God is a God of miracles...and that He is continually performing miracles in my life, both big and small. My greatest desire is to have a tight-knit, loving family where Jesus Christ is at the center of our lives and our home. There was a time when I felt so much despair, fear, and anxiety b/c it felt like such an impossible task!

We deal with some pretty significant mental health issues in our family, ranging from mod-severe OCD to impulse-control/anger issues to extreme social anxiety and depression. My children's struggles (as well as my own) have driven me to my knees time and time again, pleading for strength; for guidance; for assurance; for peace. And I can honestly say that our Heavenly Father is so, SO good. He is SO eager to provide us with insight, with comfort, with personal revelation; with MIRACLES!
Writing down how I have seen my Heavenly Father's hand in my life each day (not perfect, but aiming for that) has been incredibly transforming, as I have come to recognize clearly just how involved He has been in even the smallest details of my life. I know He is SO aware of me and my family. He knows my heart and my desires and my struggles and my failings, and He meets me where I'm at...and loves me for continually trying.
Slowly but surely, over time, I have witnessed (and am still witnessing) a beautiful transformation as what once felt like an impossible dream is now becoming a reality. I honestly consider this nothing short of a miracle! A BIG miracle, with so many little miracles along the way. I know our God is a God of miracles, and oh how I love Him for that!"

~Michelle Olson

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