I choose to believe because I see the hand of God in my life constantly. I have suffered a stroke and a hemorrhaged brain tumor over the past 4 years. As I struggled through these trials I was given Priesthood blessings to comfort and heal me. I have no residual effects from either health issue. I know My Savior has a plan for me! I am still here among the mortals. I should really not still be alive. I have the most incredible 3 sons. When their dad and I divorced I felt incredibly broken! I am the person I am because God needs me to be their mom. I was lead by my Father in Heaven to a wonderful man, Drew Matthews is my best friend and he helps me see the best in myself! When I was having my children I had a set of twin girls. They lived for only a few minutes! I was crushed beyond words. My Savior put his arms around me and carried me through some of the most painful moments in my life! I know he is by my side in good times and in rough times. I love Him, He loves me! That is all the reason I need to choose to believe!

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