This year has truly been a trying year. Not just through the pandemic, but also through personal trials. It is a year that we are eager to be done with. The past two years have been exceptionally difficult for my family and me. Yet, it has also brought our family closer together. We have been more supportive of each other, we have leaned on each other, we have been more caring towards each other. I personally have greatly leaned upon my Savior. I can truly say that He has walked with me and oft times carried me. Through my diligent reading, studying and learning of the scriptures and of the teachings of our church leaders, and the countless books, my testimony and faith have grown immensely. Never before have I been this close to my Heavenly Father and my Savior. There is a quote that I would like to share that has greatly helped me:
"No pain that I suffer, no trial that I experience is wasted. It ministers to my education, to the development of such qualities, faith, fortitude and humility. All that I suffer and all that I endure, especially when I endure it patiently, builds up my character, purifies my heart, expands my soul, and makes me more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called a child of God... and it is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that I gain the education that I came here to acquire and which will make me more like my Father and Mother in heaven."
Orson F. Whitney
My trials have been no different than yours. I hope and pray that through your difficult times, you too have been blessed with the Saviors hand in your life, and that your hearts are turned to Him for strength and guidance. And always know that our Savior loves you.

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