
Come to Stake Women's Conference!

Dear Sisters of the Layton Utah South Stake,

I extend a heartfelt, personal invitation to you to attend the Stake Women's Conference this coming weekend. It will be held on Saturday, January 26th, from 12pm-2pm at the Stake Center. Much thought and prayer have gone into the planning of this Conference. Please know that the very purpose of the Conference is to honor, nourish and strengthen you wonderful sisters, who play such an important role in Heavenly Father's Plan for the happiness, progress and salvation of His children.

One of the choicest blessing of my service as Stake President has been the opportunity to interact with and get to know the amazing women of this Stake. Each of you are unique, talented and beautiful. Many times while in your presence, I have been blessed to feel the tremendous love that Heavenly Father and the Savior, Jesus Christ, have for each of you individually. These are experiences I will never forget.

I recognize that your lives are busy and demanding and it is sometimes difficult to set aside some time just for yourself, but I believe this Conference is one of those important opportunities to do so. Please choose to attend and consider a neighbor or friend you could invite to attend with you. My sincere promise to you is that if you will come to this special Conference, bringing your trials, questions and burdens with you, the Lord, through the impressions of the Holy Spirit and the remarks that are made, will speak understanding, direction and peace to your souls.

I look forward to the privilege and blessing of spending some time with you on Saturday. May the Lord bless and keep you. Thank you for who you are and all you do!

Warmest Regards,
President Jensen

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