
Grandma Day: The Bright Spot in Our Week

by Sarah Reisbeck
Every Thursday afternoon for years, my family and I have had "Grandma Day." We go to my grandma's house and get together and have lunch. She is 92 and doesn't get out of her house much, so it makes her so happy when we come. All of my aunts, cousins, and their kids come. I even have two retired uncles that come. It's quite a crowd when it's your turn to cook lunch, but we are so blessed to do it.

We have stayed so close to my grandma throughout the years because of our weekly visits. My children know her very well because they've had the opportunity to be with her often. They know a lot of her childhood stories and what it was like growing up almost 100 years ago! She always tells us how much she looks forward to Grandma Day and that it makes a bright spot in her week. I tell her that it makes a bright spot in our week, too. It gives me something to look forward to, especially during difficult times.

My life has been so enriched and blessed by Grandma. I'm so grateful that we've been able to spend so much time with her. She always acts so grateful to us, but I feel like we benefit as much as she does.

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