The Daughters in My Kingdom book is an amazing book, and I would like to bear my testimony on how it has, and will, influence my life. Reading this book has made me realize how important it is to be part of such an amazing organization. It is teaching me love and to have compassion for others and how to serve.

Daughters in My Kingdom is teaching me to be the person I want to be, and hopefully I will be able to touch someone’s life in the same way that mine has been touched. I love this church, and I am so grateful for the missionaries and members who took the time to plant the seeds in my life, and because of it my life has changed forever, and I now have a strong testimony because of it.
Am I happier? You better believe it, and I can’t think of a better place I would rather be in my life, and I hope that I will always be an example to all those that I come in contact with. I will continue to strive to do the things that would be pleasing unto the Lord. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.