
My Prayers Were Answered

by Julie Brophy
As I reflect on experiences in my life that have built my faith, I can think of several. The most profound experience though, happened to me when I was 19 years old. I was seriously dating the cutest guy! I was just sure that I was supposed to marry him, but I recalled a lesson that my fabulous Young Women’s leader had taught when I was about 13.
I wanted to have this life-altering experience to know that I was making the right choice.
The lesson was on marriage, and she told us that in our marriage there are bound to be ups and downs, and she encouraged us to know for a certainty that the man we chose was right for us. She then told us that as the storms of life would come and we may start to doubt our marital decision. we would be able to look back on our decision and remember that feeling that we had and know to stick it out.

I remember praying for an answer to marry this man, and I felt good about it, but I wanted to have this life-altering experience to know for a surety that I was in fact making the right choice. After several weeks of praying I decided to fast as well about my decision. 

That Sunday I went over to my boyfriend’s house for dinner. His dad was going in for surgery the following day, and he asked my boyfriend to give him a priesthood blessing. My boyfriend was the youngest of four boys, and all four boys were there that day. For some reason his dad asked him to give the blessing. 

I still remember the chair I was sitting in in the living room of their home. As we all closed our eyes for the blessing to begin, I was filled with a tremendous feeling of love for this man I was dating. As my eyes were closed, I could see in my mind my patriarchal blessing typed out before me. There was an entire paragraph that was highlighted with yellow marker, and I could read it as clear as if it were actually sitting in front of me.

I hadn’t read that blessing for probably a year or two, but every word was crystal clear. It talked about the man I would marry and that he would use his priesthood to bless the lives of his family members and even to bless strangers who needed the help of a good man. I knew from that time forward that he was the man I was supposed to marry, and I have never doubted my choice.

I have a strong testimony of the power of prayer and of fasting. I know that our patriarchal blessings are a tool to help guide us in our lives and we should cherish them and read them often. I know my Heavenly Father loves me and is mindful of me and wants me to be happy. 

I am thankful for eternal families, and I am so grateful that I was able to marry a wonderful man and have four wonderful sons with him. I know that this life is full of choices, but as we seek our Heavenly Father’s help we will be led on paths of truth and righteousness.