
Testimony: Our Greatest Work Is Within Our Homes

by Heidi Stringham
I always looked at Relief Society as a wonderful organization from the time I was a small girl growing up on a farm in Southern Idaho. I would go with my mother at times visiting teaching, to visit the sick and afflicted, and at times to take meals and other things to people. I saw and felt the strength of the women and was excited for the day I would be a part of Relief Society. I have always felt a love and belonging in Relief Society. I am amazed by the good that comes and all that can be accomplished when things are done in the name of the Lord.
Our greatest work is within our homes.  We need to do everything we can to stay focused on the things that truly matter.
 As I read Daughters in My Kingdom, my understanding and appreciation of Relief Society increased, and I felt a power and strong witness that this organization is of God. We as women have a great work to do. We have a responsibility to be a light and a help wherever possible.

Our greatest work is within our homes. We truly are being flooded with evils all around us in these latter days, and we need to teach and safeguard our homes and families. We need to do everything we can to stay focused on the things that truly matter. We need to teach and show our children where joy and peace are found. We need to be faithful and consistent in all we do so our children will know where to look. “By small means great things are brought to pass.”

It is in the consistent day-to-day effort that will make the difference. We are raising latter-day warriors. We need to be warriors as well. As we “look to God” in all that we do, we will be strengthened and our children as well, and we will become who we need to become. The Lord needs us, and we need to be ready to do whatever is asked of us. “With God nothing is impossible.”

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God’s church on the earth today. I will forever find joy and rejoicing in my Savoir and this great work. This is what this life is all about.