
Testimony: Joy in Service

by Cozette McNamara 
Throughout my life I have been blessed by many sisters in the Church who have served and loved me and those around me. While I was reading the book Daughters in My Kingdom, I prayed I would be able to gain something from the pages. I did. I realized how important each one of us sisters is and how much we not only need to help one another, but we also need to let others serve us.

I am the type that can easily see what needs to be done to help a friend or neighbor in need, but when it comes to letting down the barriers and allowing someone to help me, I struggle.
When I had my child Tyler, I was forced into allowing others to help me.

I could see the absolute joy they had on their faces as they each brought in meals, helped scrape snow, pick something up at the store, and even helping me with dishes and vacuuming. It was a time that I found very difficult to accept, but I needed it. I learned from this experience that the sisters helping me needed the feeling of love just as much as I did.

I also know how much being a part of this gospel has helped me to become a great mother to Tyler, and I love to feel the strength I feel each week as I attend Relief Society, something I very much miss if I am serving in Primary.

I know as we reach out to one another and listen to those little promptings that we hear, we will feel and develop a lasting friendship with those we serve every day.

I love the quote from the book, “We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort and gain instruction from each other, that we might all sit down in Heaven together. “

I want to add to that, I hope that we can not only be with each other in Heaven, but that we will be friends here on earth and in Heaven as we realize we are all sisters! Awesome!

I want to bear my testimony that I know this church is true. I am thankful for our leaders of the Church today and all the service they share with me. I know I am a better person today because of my testimony of who I am, and that my Father in Heaven lives and loves me. I have a very strong testimony of the priesthood here on earth and I know that Heavenly Father gave me a father’s blessing from above through my patriarchal blessing. I am grateful for the sacrifices that the early pioneers made so that we could belong to a wonderful program of the Relief Society.