
Testimony: The Important Work of Mothers

by Jenifer Oyler
"Pioneer Woman" Statue by Bryant Baker
It has been a joy to read Daughters in My Kingdom. I was so touched by the many stories of women throughout the history of Relief Society. Their strength in times of trial is inspiring, and their faith in the Lord and their dedication to His gospel has given me a great example to follow. I cried when I read about the pioneers and their sufferings...especially in losing their babies. My heart aches for them. Reading this book reminds me that we all have the same tender feelings of love for our children regardless of time or place on this earth.

I loved reading about how the Relief Society was a part of the Restoration and that the Restoration would not be complete without it. I know that the Lord loves the women of the Church in all ages. I have a testimony of the influence that women have. Their influence is powerful and important. It is easy to see this in reading the Bible. Daughters in My Kingdom affirms the importance of our influence.

My favorite chapter of Daughters in My Kingdom is “Guardians of the Hearth.” It was inspiring and validating. The work we do in our homes is so important. The mundane tasks are important so that we can have a house of order where the Spirit can dwell and so that we can create “a home where others want to be.”

I love this quote by Barbara W. Winder: “There is an art to being a homemaker. For ourselves and for our families, it is important that we have a sanctuary—a place of refuge away from the world where we feel comfortable and where, if others come, they, too, can feel comfortable.” I feel strongly that this is so important. I have felt this comfort in other homes in my neighborhood where I can just feel the nurturing from the mother of that home and see it when I am there.

I am so thankful for all that these wonderful examples of Relief Society sisters. They have taught me so much just by example and by actual teaching. I have learned so much about how to nurture and how to be a mother by taking part in Relief Society. I agree with what the book says that as we teach the gospel in our homes and classes and make our voices heard in our communities that we will make a difference. We have influence, and there is nothing that can replace a home that has the nurturing of a mother. This is my testimony, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.