
Testimony: Examples of Compassion and Charity

by Tara Hansen
I loved reading Daughters in My Kingdom. I received the book at the cusp of significant changes in my personal life—with my twins anticipated in a few short days. The stories of the sisters fostered in me a greater appreciation for those that have gone before. Likewise, my gratitude for the sisters that have been placed in my life significantly swelled. My mother is a great example of compassion and charity; she is a strong woman who has persevered through trials and been a strength to those around her. I yearn to do that, following in the example of my own angel mother and the many examples in the book.

Relief Society is a blessing to me. I have felt the Savior’s love through many fellow sisters in Relief Society who have extended their arms and hearts to me. I have also been fortunate to forge bonds and friendships with dear sisters that I otherwise would not have had the opportunity to know. Overall, I am grateful to belong to the Relief Society and am ever encouraged to do and be a little better.