
Testimony: What I Have to Give

by Kathy Kitchen
Daughters in My Kingdom really helped me to begin to recognize that Relief Society is a very inspired and important program designed to help the women of the Church fulfill their divine potential by: increasing charity through service opportunities; providing learning opportunities; teaching skills; and developing talents and leadership qualities. These things prepare the women of the Church to lead all women, thus blessing all mankind.

One of my favorite parts of the book was the story of Sister Spafford, the ninth general Relief Society president, who was also a member of the National Council of Women. She told President George Albert Smith that she felt the Relief Society should end its membership in the National Council because it was expensive, took a lot of time, and she didn’t feel they got anything out of it. President Grant responded, “You surprise me. Do you always think in terms of what you get? Don’t you think also in terms of what you have to give?”

This story really touched me, because I feel my attitude a lot of the time is like Sister Spafford, questioning how situations are benefiting me. After reading this I felt that I should focus more on how I can benefit others, whether at home, church, my children’s’ school, the store, or elsewhere. There were many other stories and quotes I found inspiring, but this is one that stood out to me.