
Testimony: An Instrument in His Hands

by Amy Fullmer
I love Relief Society. Reading Daughters in My Kingdom has been such strength to me. I have five young children and found it difficult to find the time to read the book; but the more I read it, the more I felt it blessing me in my life. Over a period of time, I was struggling with knowing what to do to help teach my children. On several occasions, answers came as I was reading the book.

President Ezra Taft Benson’s quote about the blessings that come from reading the Book of Mormon really hit me hard. I knew that was my answer and was what I needed to do to help my children. I was also truly inspired by so many of the diligent and long-suffering examples of Relief Society sisters. I am so grateful that I am not in the struggle of life alone. I love that Heavenly Father has given us each other as sisters and also the examples of so many who have gone before.

I know that my Heavenly Father knows me and loves me. I feel so grateful as I have been able to be an instrument in His hands in helping my children and the sisters around me.