
Testimony: I Want to Be Found with "Willing Hands"

by Ange Nelson
As I took the challenge to read Daughters in My Kingdom, my heart was touched, and even enlarged. I have felt a deep love and a sisterhood not only with the sisters from the early days of the Church, but also the sisters all around me now.
“Retrench in everything that is bad and worthless, and improve in everything that is good and beautiful.” --Brigham Young
I marvel at the experiences and faith of some of those early sisters. As I read Lucy Meserve Smith’s words, “What comes next for willing hands to do?” it reminds me of the many sisters’ sacrifices, and willingness and eagerness to do this work. I can’t help but also reflect on sisters who have made a difference in my life through small and simple acts of kindness and service. What a wonderful reminder and a call for me personally—I want to be found with “willing hands” ready and eager to serve.

The counsel from President Brigham Young is as applicable today as in his day: “Retrench in everything that is bad and worthless, and improve in everything that is good and beautiful.” How I desire to do that!

I have felt a great sense of encouragement and love reading Daughters in My Kingdom. I desire to DO better and to BECOME something better. I’m so grateful for the privilege it is to be a member of the Relief Society!