
Testimony: I Know That He Loves Me

by Lakota Schmidt

I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true and living church here on earth. I know the scriptures are true and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God because it teaches of Christ. It talks of His example, His teachings, His life that He devoted to each of us so that we can return to Him and our Father in Heaven.

He loves us unconditionally! And it is by His love that He suffered for our sins and wrongdoings. It is by His love that He died for us, He gave up the Ghost so that we can live again after our mortal life. And I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God who was chosen to restore the gospel here on earth.
We have living scriptures to teach us correct principles so that we can be better people through repentance. We have the priesthood again here on earth so that we may be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. We can partake of the sacrament to renew the covenants we made during our baptism, “to always remember Him, that we may always have His Spirit to be with us.” We can be sealed in the temple to our families for time and all eternity.

I know that my Lord and Savior loves me! I know that He loves me. I know that He cares for me and He hears my prayers because He has answered them time and time again. I have felt His Spirit countless times throughout my life, and it is by His Spirit that I have not given up. I miss Him, and I want to be able to stand before Him and know that I have lived my life to the fullest in doing what He wants me to do. I testify this unto you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.