
Testimony: Feeling the Lord's Personal Love for Me

by Kris Wright

Several impressions come into my mind as I reflect over my readings of Daughters in My Kingdom. I have read it several times, hoping to better understand what the Lord wants me to gain from this book. It has been exciting to realize the magnitude of the Relief Society. It is a privilege to be a member of a divinely organized circle of sisterhood.
“Do the best you can. But I want to emphasize that it be the very best. We are too prone to be satisfied with mediocre performance. We are capable of doing so much better.”--Gordon B. Hinckley
As I read the inspiring stories in the lives of each of the sisters in the book, I can’t help but feel the divine love my Heavenly Father has for me personally. It encourages me to want to feel the guidance of the Spirit more in my personal life.

I realize how each of these sisters was so close to the Spirit. I know each one of us is daughter of our Heavenly Father who loves us. He wants the best for each of us. He also wants to be able to have us help one another and be His hands on this earth.

As I have read this book, I realize more fully the opportunities I have to serve the Lord. I am more keenly aware that my salvation depends on my service to others. It helps me have a greater desire to do better in my visiting teaching and love each sister more. I know when I am striving to serve others, the Lord will make up the difference and provide the things I cannot.

I am overwhelmed by the comments about the Priesthood supporting women. I asked my husband to read the book and give me his impressions. He was impressed with all the things sisters have accomplished. He also said it gave him a greater insight into the purposes of Relief Society. I believe the sisters and the Priesthood should be more cohesive as we work together to bring to pass our callings in this church. The priesthood is truly there to bless and protect us. I was touched by the quote which says, “The power of the priesthood heals, protects, and inoculates all of the righteous against the powers of darkness.”

I loved the chapter about living up to our privilege. I am working to memorize the quote by Pres. Hinckley, “Do the best you can. But I want to emphasize that it be the very best. We are too prone to be satisfied with mediocre performance. We are capable of doing so much better.”

The Lord has instilled in each of us a desire to nurture others. I know if we live in tune with the Spirit, we will be prompted to do the things that will uplift others. As we do this, we will also be uplifted and draw closer to our Heavenly Father. The world tries to persuade us to settle for less. I know as I set aside the things of this world, seek for things that are better, and cleave unto my covenants, nothing of this world can stop me from seeking my eternal glory.

This book has motivated me to better prioritize my life and focus on the necessary things to gain my exaltation. The greatest desire of my heart is to return to live with my Heavenly Father and have those I love also enveloped in His love.