
Testimony: Christlike Women Change the World

by Rebecca Roane

Daughters in My Kingdom is a beautiful reminder that we, as sisters in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are part of something wonderful! The women of Relief Society are doing a great work that is so important to the Savior, His Church, and to the world.

President Joseph F. Smith saw in a vision Eve and “many of her faithful daughters who had lived through the ages and worshiped the true and living God” (D&C 138:39). We are also counted among those faithful daughters as we lovingly serve our families, our neighbors and ward members, and our communities. However small and insignificant our individual acts of love may seem, they matter. Each act of love is known to our Father in Heaven. Collectively these acts are a powerful force for good and righteousness on the earth. Faithful, Christlike women change the world!

I feel honored to be part of the incredible organization of Relief Society and to be surrounded by so many devoted, faithful women in my ward and stake who are building the Kingdom of God. I am strengthened and uplifted as I learn of all the good that is done here and around the world!

I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and brother and that we are members of the His true church. He knows and loves each of His dear sisters. At times, we may feel overwhelmed, discouraged or alone in our important work. As we seek to be near Him, He reassures us of His love and sends comfort and support. As Elder James E. Talmage said, “The world’s greatest champion of woman and womanhood is Jesus the Christ.” In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.