Closer to Christ: an Easter Celebration - Join Us


Join us for CLOSER TO CHRIST - an Easter Celebration on Saturday, April 12, 2025!

We invite ALL sisters to join us for this CAN’T MISS EXPERIENCE! We are so excited for you to enjoy a short program followed by a full-scale, beautifully crafted, personal walk through of the Savior’s Last Week on Earth, ending with a display of testimonies & refreshments. This will be an open house format. Your ward has a scheduled time to attend, please see the flyer for times. If you’re unable to attend that time, please come at a time that works for you! All Relief Society sisters and senior year young women are invited! Please scan the QR code for more details on the testimony display and how you can prepare for this wonderful experience!

Closer to Christ: an Easter Celebration



Closer to Christ - an Easter Celebration

The Layton South Stake Relief Society is so excited to bring you this DON'T MISS EVENTPlease plan on joining us for this special celebration and bringing your ministering sisters, relief society sisters & friends! More information coming next week.
In preparation for Closer to Christ and Easter, the Stake Relief Society presidency invites you to create or do something that will help you to know and love our Savior better. This may be a display of art, writing, music, poetry or story, a gospel study or service experience.
We'd like to fill Closer to Christ with these representations of your testimonies of Jesus Christ. More information on this to come.
Examples will be posted in the following weeks.

Abide in His Love: Brooke Fowers


How do you Abide in His love?


Last year I had a strong witness of what it feels like to abide in the Lord's love. I was dealing with a scary situation where I felt like I had done everything right: I'd followed promptings and I was serving those I loved, but because of someone else's choices I was worried that I would face some pretty hard consequences.
At the lowest point of my trial, I was driving home late at night and had to take a detour because of a road closure. The detour took me right in front of the Ogden Temple. I knew I should have found comfort in that coincidence (because there is no such thing as a coincidence), but I finally broke down and told my Heavenly Father that I didn't understand how I could be in this situation. As I expressed my frustration, I remembered a talk from church the week before about trusting the Lord even (especially) through our trails. And as I prayed, I promised that I would trust in the Lord.
I immediately felt an overwhelming sense of love and reassurance. I knew that no matter what happened, I would be ok. Even if I had to suffer with the consequences of the other person's actions, I knew I could handle it because my Savior loves me and would be with me through it all. As we abide in His love, we are strengthened and protected and can rise above the pains of the world. I'm grateful to have a testimony of this and share it in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Abide in His love: Heather Andersen


How do you Abide in His love?

As a child and all of my life I have been blessed to have a knowledge of the truthfulness of the gospel, the truth that God is our father and that Christ is real and my personal Savior. I am sensitive to the spirit and all that surrounds me. Through this and making my own human mistakes I came to know the blessings of obedience. I came to understand how different life is, my happiness, peace, and relationship with my heavenly parents and the Savior when I chose obedience. I decided early on in life that I desired the blessings that came with that obedience. What I desired most was a closeness with the Savior, to not just know him but to be in that space of abiding and residing in his love. To me it’s a connectedness and closeness. This became my goal.
It takes our desire, choice and effort to abide and live in his love. Obedience is a key to the door that lets us in. What a great, precious, gift we can receive. Christ loves us all unconditionally. That, however, is different to me than living life yolked to the Savior and in his love. Life and its difficulties or persuasive worldly trends can pull us away. Trials, difficulties and tests will come our way.
Assessing life, where my mind is, where my actions are, where my faith, hope, and belief are is a regular practice needed for me to go back to the place where I can abide and live in that space of his love continually. I'm so grateful for his patience with me and all that he freely offers.

Women's Conference 2025: Abide in His Love - Join Us!


Tomorrow, Saturday, February 1st, will be the annual Layton Utah South Stake Women’s Conference from 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon with a luncheon to follow. We hope that you will all join us in this incredible event.
Gathering as sisters helps each of us to strengthen relationships, renew friendships, and most importantly to feel of our Savior’s love. The theme for the conference this year is Abide in His Love. As we yoke ourselves to the Savior and abide with Him daily, we rely on His grace to be with us through the storms of life. It is through trusting in Him that we can accomplish things we could not do on our own. Trusting in the Savior allows each of us to let Him work miracles in our lives and make more of us than we could ever do on our own. If we abide with the Savior, the blessings will come because He loves each one of us and wants more than anything to help and guide us throughout our lives. As we yoke ourselves to Him and have hope in His plan and timing, we will see miracles that we never thought possible!
Committees have been working tirelessly to make this conference meaningful and uplifting for each of us. I hope you will join us tomorrow for an incredible morning. I promise that if you come prepared to feel of the His love, your lives will be changed for the better. The Savior is waiting anxiously to help you and me – in every way He can! The conference will be held at the Stake Center. I look forward to seeing each of you there and encourage you to invite neighbors and friends to attend with you in person.
With love,
Ericka Schade, Layton South Stake Relief Society President

Abide in His love: Bridgette Saunders


How do you Abide in His love?

As I was pondering over the scriptures for our upcoming women’s conference, I could not come up with anything that related to the theme of Abide in Me, instead my mind focused on John 15:11 “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” I loved that the Savior was teaching his disciples that they could have joy no matter what happened in the future as long as they kept his commandments so that they could abide in His love. He understood what they would have to face and the only way that they would be able to face it.
I was reminded of the words of our prophet President Russell M Nelson, “My dear brothers and sisters, the joy we feel has little to
do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.”
 (Joy and Spiritual Survival October General Conference 2016)
I have found that these words from the Savior and our prophet are true. If we focus on the Savior and try our best to keep his
commandments, we can have joy no matter what we have to face in our lives.

Abide in His love: Sharae Clifford


How do you Abide in His love?

I feel my Savior’s love in the simple things of life. Currently, I am at a time with children in lots of stages of life. It can all feel overwhelming with everyone having specific needs to be attended to and often I forget my Savior is indeed at my side.
Upon further reflection though I see Him everywhere: In the phone call from a friend, my husband’s arm around me telling me I am a good Mother, a relief society sister sharing her testimony, a musical number in sacrament meeting, grandparents who pick up the balls I am dropping, young men leaders who reach out to my children, friends who drop in and help, and countless other examples.
He is by my side; on my right hand and on my left. The heavens are open. I believe He is aware of me and my family and fills those needs without fail. I love Him, and I feel His Love all around me.

Abide in His love: Becky Packard


How do you Abide in His love?

The thing that has helped me most in gaining a greater understanding of God's love is the experience of being a mother. I love my children with a depth that is difficult to convey in words. I want them to have joy, peace and abundance. I want them to develop their gifts and reach their potential. I understand the necessity of them working through difficult things in order to develop the resilience and strength that will benefit them throughout their lives. If I as an imperfect parent feel these things for my children, then I can only imagine how our perfect Heavenly Parents feel all these things and more with complete selflessness and pure charity.
A few years ago while going through a very difficult trial, the words of Romans 8:28 kept running through my mind: "all things work together for good to them that love God..." Despite not understanding why my family had to experience the loss that we had, I was comforted by the assurance that God was in control of the situation and knew perfectly what was best. What I can control is the effort I put forth to keep my covenants and obey the commandments. I am so grateful to know that Heavenly Father has a plan for me and each of those I love, and has provided a Savior who makes it possible for us to have eternal life.

Abide in His love: Ann Flint


How do you Abide in His love?

As I pondered how I Abide in His love I had a few thoughts come into my mind. I have always loved listening to General Conference talks when walking, or when getting ready for the day. I also have found His love and also Spirit I feel in reading the Book of Mormon and prayer.
A direct way in which I can feel our Savior’s love is by looking into His eyes in pictures of Him. I try to feel His love in return as I focus solely on Him, with no distractions at that moment. I love thinking of Him as I serve in the temple and listen to the beautiful words in the different ordinances. As well as during the sacrament.
He is as near as we choose to make Him our focus. It is my responsibility to ask for His help and guidance in my life. It is so easy to be distracted in our daily lives. I am so very grateful for the gospel and the knowledge it provides us.

Abide in His love: Monica Cox


How do you Abide in His love?

If I had been shown a glimpse of the challenges I would face during my life on the day of my wedding, I likely would have said, “I am just Monica! There is no way I can endure all of that!” However, the Lord, in His wisdom, didn’t show me the whole picture at once. Instead, He has strengthened and guided me, trial by trial, line upon line, helping me grow in ways I never imagined—even though I’m usually kicking and screaming the whole way!
Some of the challenges I have faced include:
1. Fertility struggles (because why not start big?)
2. Financial hardships and periods of unemployment (a real test of creativity and budgeting skills!)
3. The loss of a stillborn baby boy, just three days before moving to Layton (an unimaginable heartbreak during a season of transition)
4. Supporting my children through 13 surgeries, including eight for one child (we like to keep the doctors and hospitals in business!)
5. Addressing physical conditions like Pectus Excavatum for my daughter and Pectus Carinatum for my son (a crash course in medical terminology!)
6. Supporting my niece, who had sudden heart failure at age 2 and spent six months in Primary Children’s Medical Center (meanwhile, I got to have my sister’s three kids for a few months!)
7. Navigating ADHD and autism diagnoses within my family (embracing the beauty of neurodiversity, one diagnosis after another, and finally accepting that this is our “normal.”)
8. Supporting family members with mental health challenges (because everyone deserves love and understanding, especially on tough days)
9. Managing learning disabilities and social struggles (a daily reminder that every child learns and grows at their own pace)
10. Overcoming legal issues (let’s just say life keeps things interesting)
11. Mourning the loss of close family members, (but finding peace in knowing they are happy in the next life.)
Through it all, I have seen the Lord’s hand providing the strength—and many Earthly angels—I needed to endure and grow. The lessons I’ve learned frequently find their way into my profession as a 6th-grade teacher, where I strive to support and uplift my students not only academically but also personally. These trials have deepened my capacity for empathy, sharpened my sense of humor (sarcasm), and equipped me with tools to better understand and connect with others.

Abide in His love: Kristen Roberts


How do you Abide in His love?


Our only son Brigham was 20 years old when he accidentally cut his leg with a circular saw through his femoral artery, femoral vein, lacerated his femoral nerve and through 2/3 of his groin muscle. It is the worst part of your leg to cut through, you can bleed out within 3 minutes. Shortly after life flight took off from the Stake Center with Brigham, the fire captain urgently expressed that we get to the hospital as fast as possible. As we drove to Mckay Dee we prepared ourselves to hear that our son had died. We arrived and found out Brigham was in surgery with a high possibility of dying or a full leg amputation.
As we waited to hear from the surgeons we prayed. We relied on our Saviors love, comfort and strength. We felt overwhelming peace and knew that we would be able to handle the outcome of that day, whatever it may be. Just as Philippians 13 reads “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
We finally received word he survived with his leg. It was truly a miracle.
This happened in 2020 during the Covid 19 pandemic, and the hospital protocol would not allow us to see Brigham. He would have to wake up alone and hear the news that he might not have use of his leg. That was tough. We prayed mightily for him to feel the comfort of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the angels surrounding him. We know they had been with him from the moment he was cut, and they would not leave him now. The following day Brigham asked for a priesthood blessing. With a phone call and some effort 2 nurses were found to administer that blessing. Though Brigham does not remember what was said he remembers the feeling of love, gratitude and peace.
We have listened to the experiences of those involved with saving his life and we see where God filled in where needed. The quick acting homeowner who had no medical training listening to divine instruction and faithfully following. Being in the city where the paramedics had the medicine Brigham needed to help him clot. For the timing that Utah Air Med/life flight started carrying trauma blood just weeks before his accident. That the vascular surgeon was exactly where he needed to be to save his life. These are not coincidences. God is truly in the details.
It has been 4 ½ years since his accident. As a family we have grown together and have become stronger as we have navigated this traumatic experience. It has not been easy for any of us but through Christ we are healing. Brigham can walk without help. He lives with pain, numbness, swelling, 3 feet of scars and other risks. Somedays it feels heavy and the promise of “abiding in His love” continues to be a constant source of comfort, strength and reassurance for our family. Reminding us that even when we stumble or face challenges that God’s love remains unwavering and offers us a solid foundation to lean on and to persevere through the hard times.
Note: If this experience sounds familiar it’s because it happened here within the boundaries of our Stake. You quite possibly were one of our prayer warriors❤️

Abide in His love: Julie Easthope


How do you Abide in His love?

I was raised in a home where we were taught the gospel by our parents. My dad often had callings that would take him away on Sunday’s so my mom was responsible to make sure six kids were ready for church and there each week.
Now I have young kids of my own. Even with the help of my husband, getting to and through church meetings requires a lot of effort. It often causes me to think of my mom’s example and how she never let her circumstances be a justification not to attend church.
As covenant members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are asked to be obedient to commandments. When I attend church meetings with my family there are difficult moments. There are also moments where I can see in the faces of my young children that they are learning about and experiencing the love of the Lord. Sometimes these moments occur as we are walking the hall and pointing out the artwork, sometimes it is during the sacrament or hymns, and sometimes it is when we are reverently listening in our perspective classes.
I am convinced that when we make an effort to keep the commandments, we are blessed to feel the love of the Lord.